Youth experiencing homelessness have many challenges that affect their school attendance and performance. COVID-19 has magnified these setbacks forcing educators to explore problems within education policies.

The UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools studied the types of educational and social supports students experiencing homelessness youth in California may require to be successful in school and life.

One key finding was that community-based organizations and nonprofits provide a critical function as part of an ecosystem of support for students and can deliver resources to families quickly.

Learn4Life’s mission is to engage all students regardless of the obstacles they’re facing in life such as homelessness. Our community resources are available to support our students and families.

Written By:
Ann Abajian
Antelope ValleyCentral ValleyHigh DesertInland EmpireLos AngelesNorth CharlestonOxnardSacramentoSan DiegoSan Fernando Valley